Good self-esteem is the basis of personal success. It is essential to develop a healthy personality.
It gives us the inner strength necessary to overcome personal difficulties, face the failures and problems that life brings us and progress in our maturity and personal competence.
Cognitive distortions are:
Practical exercises: They’re looking at me!
We propose several practical exercises that will be very useful for you:
Inventory of the concept of myself.
Write down 3 aspects that you like and 3 that dislike your appearance, your way of interact, your personality and your professional competence.
Complete all sections. Think well what you write, not generalize, look for concrete and evaluable aspects.
The Self-esteem Test will help you reflect on yourself and get to know yourself better. Analyze your way of thinking about yourself and your self-esteem.
Depending on the results, we recommend a series of exercises to improve the different aspects that make up Self-esteem.
A belief is an idea or an interpretation of reality that is considered true by one who professes it without stopping to analyze its degree of truthfulness.
Beliefs are unconscious and a powerful influence on your behavior and your life without you noticing. For example:
The Self-esteem Test will help you reflect on yourself and get to know yourself better. Analyze your way of thinking about yourself and your self-esteem.
The aspects assessed are related to these four factors:
Depending on the results, we recommend a series of exercises to improve the different aspects that make up Self-esteem.