
A belief is an idea or an interpretation of reality that is considered true by one who professes it without stopping to analyze its degree of truthfulness.

Beliefs are unconscious and a powerful influence on your behavior and your life without you noticing. For example:

“I think I can do five consecutive stages of the Camino de Santiago if I prepare with time”

That belief creates in you the idea of ​​the possibility of getting it and you start preparing. Finally you do it and get as a result the success in doing the five stages. What do you think would have happened if the belief had been this other?:

“I don’t think I can do five stages in a row”

In the first case it is an enabling belief that helps us achieve our goals. In the second case it is a limiting belief that prevents us from achieving them. Limiting beliefs negatively impact our self-esteem. For example:

“It’s very difficult, I ‘ll never be able to do it”  

How do you think this thought will influence your self-esteem?

There are many beliefs, of many types, but perhaps the beliefs related to perfectionism are the most destructive. Being perfect is impossible and even if you manage to do things right, it’s never enough, you always have a feeling of failure. We know that it is difficult to overcome this belief, but consider changing your thoughts to others of this type:

“I will make an effort to do my best, and if I am wrong I know that it is normal and I will learn from my mistakes”..

It’s difficult, but it’s possible. Think that beliefs are not innate, we are acquiring them throughout our lives. Its origin can be cultural, religious, family or experiential, but as they are acquired, they can also be modified.

Our goal is to change irrational, maladaptive and limiting beliefs for others that are rational, adaptive and enabling. This is a task that requires time and effort.

How can we modify these beliefs?

Modify your limiting beliefs in 4 steps. Think of some aspect of your life where you believe a belief is having a negative influence and apply the steps below.

To help you, we’ve created an example. When asked to do a 5-day trekking route, the answer would be: “It’s very difficult, I’ll never be able to do it”.


  • Belief: ___________
  • Emotions involved: ___________
  • Consequences: ___________

In the example:

  • “It’s very difficult, I ‘ll never be able to do it”
  • It’s a belief that makes me feel bad, devalues me and discourages me.
  • As a consequence, I don’t try to do it.


  • Are they beliefs or realities? ___________
  • What is the real utility of these beliefs? ___________
  • What are the consequences? ___________
  • Can I minimize them? ___________

In the example:

  • It’s a belief, not a reality.
  • Its usefulness is that it avoids me to make an effort and avoids the possible disappointment if I fail. And it is not true that I will never be able to do so.
  • As a consequence, I never get it.
  • But I can relativize it: I don’t think I can walk 5 days, but if I get ready I can walk 3 at least.


For each limiting belief, build a new enabling belief. 

In the example:

“It is very difficult, I can’t do it” → “It is difficult, but I can do a good part if I prepare myself”


Choose one of your new modified beliefs and act as if you already had it fully assumed. You will get new results that will help you build new beliefs. What will happen if you act as if a belief is rooted in you?

In the example:

“It’s very difficult, I can’t do it” –>”I begin to prepare because I firmly believe that I can achieve my goal”

What have you learned with this exercise?

“It is the repetition of affirmations that guides belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things start to happen ”

Muhammad Ali

Discover yourself

Good self-esteem is the basis of personal success. It is essential to develop a healthy personality. It is a dynamic quality that is acquired and generated throughout our lives and therefore can grow or weaken.