The best technique or study method is the one that allows you to reach your objectives with an adequate effort.
Below you can find out what are the factors that influence being productive while studying.
The Study Coping Test, focused on Bachiller and University, offers you a quantitative result with a score from 0 to 10 that can be considered as an approximate guide of the score you would obtain depending on your answers.
It also gives you a qualitative score with the aspects you should review and gives you personalized guidance on how to improve on each aspect.
Use a table like the one we propose to specify your proposals for action to improve performance.
Review the table each week and make any necessary modifications.
It’s about being aware of what you’re doing and improving the way you do it.
Guidelines for developing a good study session:
Do you want to change the way you approach the studio? If so, move on to action: decide which aspects of the results of the Study Coping Test you want to change this week and concrete how, when and where you’re going to do it.
Try that these changes become new habits and that your way of facing the study allows you to achieve your goals.
To improve performance you have to organise yourself, but we are not all the same and we don’t all have the same circumstances or the same objectives. The organization of time is usually one of the most common problems in students of Bachiller, FP Grado Superior and University.
The system we propose: Decide and Design your week.
Free Test aimed at students of Compulsory Secondary Education.
More than 64,000 C.S.E. students have used this test in recent years to improve their academic performance.
Evaluate aspects related to your way of studying, such as: study conditions, organization of time, study strategies, attitude in class, exams and motivation.