Study Techniques Test (E.S.O.) How are your Study Skills? Answer all questions honestly thinking about the last 6 months. Question 1 of 6.- Study conditions1. Are you studying in a suitable place?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 2. Do you have a good home study environment?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 3. When you study, do you keep an eye on your mobile phone or computer?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 4. When you do your homework, do you keep an eye on your mobile phone or computer?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. Question 2 of 6.- Time organization5. Do you follow a schedule to study and do your homework?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 6. Do you do your homework every day?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 7. Do you spend time each day reviewing the subjects?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 8. Do you prepare the exams 2 or 3 days in advance?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 9. Do you do your homework and work on time?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 10. Do you review the content of the topic before doing your homework?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. Question 3 of 6.- Study strategies11. Do you study easily?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 12. Do you concentrate easily and not get distracted?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 13. Are your notes and materials well organized?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 14. Do you study all the subjects?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 15. Do you make an effort to understand the subjects of study?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 16. When you study, do you underline the important ideas?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 17. Do you make outlines or summaries of the topics you study?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 18. Do you finish the jobs and tasks you had set for yourself?* Nunca o casi nunca. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. Question 4 of 6.- Attitude in class19. Do you pay attention during the teacher's explanations?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 20. Do you ask the teacher when you don't understand something?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 21. Do you take notes on the most relevant ideas?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 22. Do you have a good attitude and show interest?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. Question 5 of 6. Exams:23. Do you take care of spelling and presentation in exams?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 24. Do you express correctly in writing what you have studied?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 25. Do you review the written exams before handing them in?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 26. Do you get very nervous at exams?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. Question 6 of 6.- Motivation27. Do you have a real interest in getting high marks?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 28. Are your parents aware of your studies?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 29. Is your performance adequate to your effort?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. 30. Do you think you are responsible for your results?* Never or almost never. Sometimes or quite often Always or almost always. IMPORTANT: Your results will be displayed on your device screen. If you want to keep them you must print them out (on paper or saving as a pdf) or take a photo of them. We do not keep a copy of your results.