What’s anxiety?

Anxiety is a normal, healthy reaction that arises when a person is exposed to situations that involve danger, threat, or concern. But sometimes it turns into a Disorder that causes us intense anguish and difficulties for a normal and healthy vital functioning.

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The Anxiety Test offers you valuable guidance and proposes practical activities and guidelines to help you manage anxiety. The results tell you:

  • Your level of anxiety based on the emotional and physical symptoms you present. 
  • What kind of situations or experiences cause you anxiety.
  • What cognitive factors can cause your anxiety.

confrontation self-instructions

They are the messages that we address ourselves in situations that present us with a challenge or an important test. Thoughts of the type “everything is going to go wrong”, which are accompanied by feelings of anxiety, rage, fear, frustration… and anxiety.

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Facing anxiety

  1. To know more, to know how anxiety works in order to face it better.
  2. Find the cause of your anxiety and try to modify the situation that causes it, and if that is not possible, find a way to adapt as well as possible to that situation.
  3. Identify cognitive aspects and beliefs that may be the cause of your anxiety and review them. 

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emotional memories exist

Intense emotional memories caused by traumatic experiences are etched in our brains and can cause anxiety for a long time. Reactivating these traumatic memories with the help of a specialized professional can help to reduce the intensity of the emotional reactions that provoke us.

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What causes me anxiety?

When we perceive the danger our body notably increases the production of adrenaline and cortisol. Emotions such as anguish, anger, fear, … can produce the same reaction. Our attitudes, our way of thinking, our beliefs, our way of dealing with conflicts,… condition our cortisol level.

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Bad thoughts

They are illogical and irrational. They are imprecise and do not adjust to reality. They are unproductive. They are negative and devaluing. They tend to dramatize. And they result in increased anguish and anxiety.

  • I must.
  • It’s horrible.
  • I always/never, everything/nothing.

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Prevent anxiety

Healthy Weeks: Choose 7 activities for this week. Start with the ones that are easier for you and try to make them habitual in your way of life.

  1. Get enough rest and sleep well, at least 8 hours.
  2. Chat with a friend.
  3. Exercise: walking, running, skating, swimming, cycling,… 

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The avoidance of what causes us fear and anxiety is sometimes positive and adaptive, it saves our lives. But in others, it is not adaptive but maintains and strengthens anxiety and fear.

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anxiety test


The Anxiety Test offers you valuable guidance and proposes practical activities and guidelines to help you manage anxiety. The results tell you:

  • Your level of anxiety based on the emotional and physical symptoms you present. 
  • What kind of situations or experiences cause you anxiety.
  • What cognitive factors can cause your anxiety.